Sunday, August 14, 2011

Think Happy Thoughts

What makes you smile? I finally decided to take the blogging plunge because of the very simple notion that it is important to recognize what makes me happy. The crew over at NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour inspired me with their "What's Making You Happy" segment in which the panel discusses what is making them happy each week; it may be big, small, family-related, work-related, anything at all. The other inspiration comes from Amy Sedaris, who spoke at an event I recently attended. During the audience Q&A portion (I don't know how people in her position put up with the bizarre things people want to know), she was asked if she had any advice for young people who wanted to break into a creative field and she simply said, "Do what you want to do." I have always wanted to write, and I finally decided to stop imagining that I'll someday be able to quit my job for a hefty advance on the book I have not started writing and actually start writing something, anything. So here I am. It's a simple premise, I plan to use this space to discuss what makes me happy. It could be anything from a show I've attended, a book I read, or a restaurant I've visited. So, I guess I'm off and running.

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